Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday Giggles (On Monday)

I took a four hour nap today after church, so it's now 10:15 and I'm wide awake. 

I finished watching Friends on Netflix last night (I still cry when Rachel gets off the plane) so I'm laying in bed going through my funny stuff board on Pinterest. 

Husband has a test tomorrow for some doctor thing that I think is about STDs. All I know is he was trying to show me some NASTY pictures earlier from his lecture slides. Anyway, he has a test so I'm laying here trying not to wake him up. Which leads that the laughter where you plug your nose and air comes out of your tear ducts and you're going to have some rockin abs the next day. 

Would you care to laugh with me? 

I have a weird sense of humor, but some of these are universally hilarious. 

       I really love the floating dog leash

     Lord of the Rings humor is the best

   I sent this to a friend who is 37 weeks  pregnant. She laughed too. 

       I actually did this today (Monday). 

Remember when I said I love whale humor? Yeah, this one makes me almost pee myself. 

This one is dedicated to Sarah Tobler. Because we both hate Samuel L. Jackson

        Oh Dumbledore, you're so wise. Funny story: yesterday (Sunday) my ten year old Sunday school boys and I got into a small argument about the difference between hippogriffs and Griffins. There has never been a time I had wished so hard I had the Harry Potter books on my Kindle than that moment. I'm also appalled that one kid actually said "I don't read the books. We watch the movies. So much better." WHAT?! He almost got sent to the hall. 

So, once again, you get a glimpse of how weird I am. I may look relatively normal on the surface, but I can assure you, I am really REALLY weird sometimes*

*all the times

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A lookie loo at how weird I am

I don't even know if that's how you spell "loo" in that phrase. It could possibly be "Lou" like a name for someone...

Like a silly Sally
Or a Debbie downer
Or hungry Henderson 
That last one isn't too mainstream. 

I digress in my first paragraph. It's that kind of day. 

So I was on facebook talking about the new Jurassic Park movie and if you know anything about me, know this:


Not even in a science way. In a five year old boy with plastic Dino toys going "RAAAAAAAH!!!!" kind of way. So the Jurassic park movies are a big deal to me. 

I was watching the Super Bowl (this is the only time I will speak of that game) when suddenly, this happens:

I stopped dead. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I may have yelled at our party guests to "SHUT UP THERES A DINOSAUR". My breathing became rapid and shallow and my pupils probably dilated to anime status. 


When it was over I looked at husband in shock and awe and squeaked out "there's a new one?"

He then informed me HE KNEW. HE KNEW AND HE DIDNT TELL ME. 

I almost left him*.

*not really

I've spent the last twenty minutes watching the trailer over and over again on YouTube and reading the comments and getting psyched all over again. 


Dinosaurs are incredible. Especially the fantasy kind that can be trained to run next to you while you speed through the jungle on a motorcycle to hunt down a genetically engineered dinomonster that is threatening a dinosaur theme park. #ilovechrispratt

So here's your glimpse into my weird interest. Enjoy your lookie