Monday, October 20, 2014

Real Talk

I wanted to high five the little old lady who gave me real talk at the grocery store. Boy child was running in circles, Younger girl child was pterodactyl screaming just for funzies, and I was just trying to get everything I needed and get out. 

This 80 year old woman comes up and says "I do not miss these days at all. Hopefully it's almost nap time sweetie!" 

That was worth so much more to me than all the "oh it goes so fast. You better enjoy them!" I usually get. 


Because when I'm in public and my kids are being "those kids" and I'm trying my hardest to keep cool, I'm definitely not enjoying them and I'm certainly not going to miss it. The grandma guilt trip is the worst!!!

So thank you, honest woman at Sprouts, for validating my frustrations and making me feel like I'm not the worst mom in the world for not "enjoying" the grocery store madness. 

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