Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Dweam Wiffin A Dweam

Second year of medical school sucks. And it's only been, like, a month. Sigh, I'm feeling romantic today. 

So I'll ignore the fact that my kids are STILL blowing bubbles in their cups after I told them not to and the baby is probably trying to eat paper again and bring you this gem of a quote. 

I saw a thing on Facebook that I have no idea what it's about, but one of the things the girl said was, "greet each other like you're still dating. Like you've been dying to see each other all day. How would you say hello? A hurried hi and a quick kiss?"

Nope. When we were dating, husband and I were probaby the gag me couple. I have no idea if we really were or not because I couldn't take my eyes away from him long enough to see if others were vomiting in our general direction. 

I've been trying to be more romantic lately, but when there are party decorations to make, tests to study for, kids to feed and put to bed, and episodes of Supernatural to watch, it gets a little tough. 

So in being more romantic (or rather trying to be), I have noticed the little things that have changed. I see pictures from our wedding or dating days and husband looks like a little boy! This was only seven years ago! Not to say he's a grizzly old codger now...more like a refined gentleman of wisdom. A George Clooney who only gets better with age. I was super creepy last night when I came to bed. He was already sleeping and I got ready for bed and then snuggled next to him and just stared. I saw his grey hairs and his little wrinkles. I saw how exhausted he was from working so hard to provide us with a better future. I saw how hard he tries to balance school and family. I saw his faith, his kindness. I saw his absurdity and laugh. I saw every single reason why I chose to spend forever with him. And at that moment, he reached over to hold my hand. 

He reads this, so I apologize for being creepy, but you are just SO handsome! 

Anyway, I was looking at him and drinking in his sleepy face and fell just a little more in love. 

I didn't think it would be possible, but there I was. A little more in love, a little more thankful, and a lot more happy. 

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