Saturday, September 27, 2014

Growing Like A Weed

We all make first impression judgements of those around us. No matter how hard we try not to do this, it just happens. 

Usually my first impression judgements are followed by a trip in their shoes to try and see the softer side of Sears and why my judgement might be wrong. 

Back before husband and I met, I didn't mess around with dating. I didn't dwell on breakups so when one relationship was over, I was ready to get back out there right away. This had the effect that I appeared to just jump from guy to guy and wasn't very good girlfriend material. This was something a friend of husband told him the day we met. 

In your face.

I also had people tell me things like:

"When I first met you I thought you were insane and probably should be on ADD medication."

"The first time we hung out, I could not believe how ridiculous you were!"

"I always had to warn people that you would probably hug them upon meeting them for the first time."

I was a wildflower. Carefree, growing where I wanted, bending with the breezes and bouncing right back to laugh in the face of the storm. Then I had kids. 

Then...I had kids. 


I started to worry and fret and became a casualty of the Mom. A sickness that affects the mind in a slow deterioration of self and self worth. It strips away who you are and replaces it with who you think you should be. You're a mom. You shouldn't be doing this or that or buying those. A friend posted on her blog awhile ago about a pair of shoes she saw at a store. They were gold and sparkly and everything a mom shouldn't wear. The Mom disease kicked in and told her how impractical gold sparkly shoes are and that as a mom, those shoes were wholly absurd. 

You know what she did?

She flipped Mom disease the bird and bought the shoes. 

Moms, buy the shoes. Buy the shoes and wear them and rock those suckers until your blisters have blisters. 

If your jam is on the radio, let's turn it up and sing the Mom disease into oblivion. 

Dance it into the ground. 

I'm going to do a challenge with this post. I invite you to do the same!

Make a list of all the things you loved to do before you had kids. Doesn't have to be big things. In fact, the more everyday the better. Each day, try to do one of those things. If you can incorporate your kids, do it. 

Bring your old self back and make her be the mom. There isn't a cookie cutter Mom out there. Having kids doesn't suddenly change you into a different person. It rearranges priorities, sure, but I'm still me. Kate can be a mom just like Kathy. In fact, I'm sure she'll be an even better mom than Kathy because she knows how to have fun and how to enjoy each moment. 

I love slurpees and dance parties and Panic! At The Disco and can be wildly inappropriate. I'm a wildflower. I don't want people to wonder about that...I want them to know it as soon as they meet me. 

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